Thursday mornings at 10.30am at BS7 Gym (Gloucester County Cricket Club) there is a post 6 months post natal (PN) circuit class. This is a 45 minute class which babies/toddlers come along to & for those of you who want a bit more of a push postnatally. We work the whole body and cardio and have a good 45 minute work out with stretching at the end. It is £40 for 6 weeks and we just roll it over if you can keep coming along. You do need to have been exercising, have done core stability work and not have pelvic floor problems (which if you have 6 months PN then get in touch with me to chat and I can direct you to the right people to get it sorted.) Get in touch with me if you are interested in joining the class. Email me at **@vi*******.uk
How many of you would be interested in an evening PN circuits class outdoors (potentially Horfield Common) in the summer? I get a lot of mums asking me to start an evening class for when you go back to work, so I have been looking into starting an evening outdoor class which would start at 7.30 till 8.15pm. Please respond or email me if you are interested.
02 May 2014
Postnatal Circuits Class
Category: Fitness
Still not sure which fitness class is for you?
Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.