19 August 2014

September health push …. exercises to do for a month


I know time is short and whether you have school kids, new babies or are flat out at work, you just want exercises you can do at home & get it over with. So for practicality here is a body weight routine to get stuck into. Before you start, set a time each day you know you CAN fit it in. If you know you won’t do it later in the day, do it 1st thing.  If you diarise it then you are more likely to do the quick 10 minute session!

Day 1 & 4 – 20 fast squats, 15 press ups on knees, 5x lie down & get up’s (must engage abs when getting up & roll to the side), 20 fast bridges up & down.

Day 2 & 5 – 10 split squats (Standing lunge), 10 – 15 tricep lowers on a bench / side of the bed, 20 single leg heel taps (newer mums keep 1 foot on the floor) – focus on exhale as bring foot back up, bridge 10x fast up & downs then hold up for 20 seconds x2.

Day 3 & 6 – walk fast (& CAREFULLY) up & down your stairs 5 – 8x, 10x lunges (each leg), 4x Down Dogs (press up on knees, to whole body off floor, walk hands to feet hold few sec then return back same way!), prone lie – lie on front on exhale bring tummy to your spine away from the floor x 8 OR those over 6 – 8 months, do 1/2 planks – only if you can hold tummy.

You can mix all these exercises up. They are all whole body exercises which will use more muscle groups, strengthen you as a whole and help burn more calories!  PLEASE think about your body, if you cant hold the tummy engaged take it down a level. ALWAYS try and exhale on exertion so focus on engaging your abs & pelvic floor.  If you aren’t sure about the exercises ask me or check out videos online!  Try it for a few weeks and see if you can manage it – if not 6 days a week at least 4 days!  Let me know how it goes!

Still not sure which fitness class is for you?

Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.


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