16 January 2015

Happy 2015 everyone


New Year brings new year resolutions!! So we will briefly chat about being realistic and manageable with NY resolutions.  I will also see what you think about the latest ‘diets’ which scientifically make sense – eat more protein and healthy fast at each meal and cut down (not cut out though) on carbs.  We’ll also look at New Year resolutions for 2015 and also Congratulations to those mums who did my 24 Days of Xmas challenge – prizes to them. I think I deserve one too for thinking of new stuff every day!!!  Enjoy this short to the point newsletter and one word from me for 2015 …… GREENS!!!

Still not sure which fitness class is for you?

Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.


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