Hi ladies, I thought I would have loads of time to write blogs & plan my next newsletter when I was off post my op but time zoomed by and its now 12 weeks later!! Thank you to so many of you for sending me lovely wishes, I really appreciated it.
I have a lovely scar across my tummy now and am practising what I preach and am massaging baobab oil gently morning and night in the hope to prevent too much scar tissue from forming! This is advisable to all of you who have had C sections or episiotomies once the stiches have dissolved and there isn’t any infection there start gentle massage with a good vitamin C oil. I have also left it until now to start running and only started with a short gentle run, listened to my body as after 12 minutes I began to feel it slightly in my tummy, so its a gradual return to running.
I also ensured I had daily ‘mending’ foods like broccoli, kale, avocado, ginger & berries post my op as all the nutrients help ‘mend’ your scar. What you eat post natally will really help with your energy levels as well as help your body mend whether you had a C section, episiotomy or even natural birth. Your body is tired and sore after giving birth so do try and get some nutritious foods in you as what you eat will also be food for your babies. I’ll write more in my next newsletter when I finally get around to doing my online ‘Optimal nutrition for post natal mums’ course! (mmm meant to have been studied when off … oops!!)