Where has the time gone? Near the end of January already. So for Feb, grab 5 – 15 minutes a day / every other day and try this little routine. Find some Dumbbells if you have or even use tins/bag of food. Pregnant, early post natals & diastisis or pelvic floor issues ladies do the easier exercises. Always listen to your body & always THINK BUM & THINK DEEP ABS ENGAGEMENT!!
- Mobilised warm up 1st
- 1 – 3 sets: Squats x20,
- up & down the stairs x2,
- Press ups on knees on floor or Vs the wall x 15,
- Walking lunges/lunges along the hallway X 10 each leg,
- abs prone lie (exhale and feel tummy coming off floor) x 8 or if can hold tummy then do 30 – 60 seconds 1/2 plank or full plank.
- Recovery then repeat if time. Kids can join in too!!!
Check out my YouTube Channel where I demo these exercises: