29 December 2017

I’m back to Blogging in 2018!!


HI Everyone!  A very Happy Christmas to you all. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of Vicki Hill Women’s Health & Training in 2017. I hope you have all found my never ending reminder of ‘Engage your Core’, ‘Think Pelvic Floor’ or ‘Exhale on Exertion’ useful!!

I hope you had a great 2017 as I did, I got married for one!!  My business is growing all the time with loads of different classes on offer and I  have really focused on my own education and learning and have become a  Burrell Education’s Holistic Core Restore(R) Coach. My Everywoman Holistic Core Restore courses have been such a success and I have loved teaching them seeing such great results … ” It made me understand my pelvic floor and the process of what I needed to do to get it back on track. I noticed results within the first 2 weeks of the course.” (January course is now full so get in touch for the March course)

You may have also noticed that I have re-branded and got a new website!! Everything I had before was from when I first set up as a PT 11 years ago (eek!!) and I feel I have been on a massive journey with my learning as I have moved on from being a PT to really specialising in Women’s health and fitness.

In 2018 my aim is to really spread the word about exercising with a diastasis and pelvic floor weakness or prolapses. As a client said…. ‘Vicki is so passionate about women’s health it was hard not to be inspired. I really feel like my attitude towards my body has changed. I feel more connected and confident with how my body works and what I need to do to improve it.’  So, I am aiming to hold talks about ‘The Pelvic Floor’ and how to connect & strengthen the core and pelvic floor for anyone wanting to know!!

Look out for my blogs on Womens Health and please do get in touch or ask about anything you may have queries about – running and the pelvic floor is the next blog!!!!

Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas and lets raise a glass of fizz to a healthy and happy 2018


Relaxing at the end of an exercise session.

Still not sure which fitness class is for you?

Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.


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