Online membership 

I regularly post with useful tips to help you with your fitness and nutrition. If you are just getting back to exercise after the birth of your baby or regularly attend my classes you'll find some useful information here.

Oct 26 2024

I Don’t have TIME

How many times have you said - "I just don't have time to exercise"? TIME SCARCE I totally get it, many of you have really full on lives - work, family, parents, pets - full on commitments which means you get very little time to yourself and when you do ...
Let's get fit and toned

May 26 2024

How can I stay fitter & stronger as I age??

I know I have talked about these subjects a lot, but a few ladies fed back to me when I asked what they wanted to see in my newsletters. So I thought I would take a new approach to talking about fitness & strength as we age. In the ideal ...

Nov 15 2023

How to get a ‘Bang for your Buck’

Most of us are short of time.  There never seems to be enough hours in the day – or I certainly find that.  I am sure the older we get time seems to zoom by even faster. You may be someone who enjoys doing cardio exercise but feels they want ...

Apr 22 2023

The Benefits of my Online Membership

I am very excited to be branching out into the realm of online memberships for exercises / workouts.  I have worked really hard at creating this and it has taken me FOREVER!  Those who know me, know that websites & anything technical like IT, are just not my friend! With ...


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