Pelvic Floor Health and Core Strength 

I regularly post with useful tips to help you with your fitness and nutrition. If you are just getting back to exercise after the birth of your baby or regularly attend my classes you'll find some useful information here.

Dec 7 2024

Urge Incontinence

Understanding Urge Incontinence in Women Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder (OAB), is a common condition that affects many women. It is characterized by a sudden, urgent need to urinate, often leading to involuntary leakage of urine before reaching the loo.   Any form of incontinence can have a big ...

Nov 23 2024

Urinary Stress Incontinence

What is Urinary Incontinence? There are several different types of urinary incontinence, with different causes. 1. Stress incontinence refers to leakage that occurs due to excessive intra-abdominal pressure and the stress it puts on the pelvic floor. This leakage usually happens during activities like running, jumping, sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting ...
Let's get fit and toned

May 26 2024

How can I stay fitter & stronger as I age??

I know I have talked about these subjects a lot, but a few ladies fed back to me when I asked what they wanted to see in my newsletters. So I thought I would take a new approach to talking about fitness & strength as we age. In the ideal ...
Bones of the pelvis, for help understanding if your pelvic floor needs help.

Feb 15 2024

Bone Health

Do you ever think about how important your skeleton is or how much you need strong bones?  Probably not as it isn't something we think about as much as maybe our weight. Stop & think about it.  Our bones are essential to our health and survival. Remarkably, paying attention to ...

Nov 15 2023

How to get a ‘Bang for your Buck’

Most of us are short of time.  There never seems to be enough hours in the day – or I certainly find that.  I am sure the older we get time seems to zoom by even faster. You may be someone who enjoys doing cardio exercise but feels they want ...

Jul 15 2023

What can I do?

SO, WHAT CAN I DO? It can be really frustrating; you are told so many different things on how to do this or how to do that. However, have you found that often you read blogs or emails to draw you in, but they don’t answer your question? I follow ...

May 20 2023

All about Hypopressives

You may have seen that I trained in Hypopressives last year.  You also may still be wondering – well what on earth are hypopressives & how can they help with a pelvic organ prolapse or dysfunctional pelvic floor?? You may be reading this as you do have a prolapse or ...

Apr 22 2023

The Benefits of my Online Membership

I am very excited to be branching out into the realm of online memberships for exercises / workouts.  I have worked really hard at creating this and it has taken me FOREVER!  Those who know me, know that websites & anything technical like IT, are just not my friend! With ...

Nov 27 2022

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What is a Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)? A prolapse is when the supporting ligaments and muscles in the pelvis have weakened.  This leads to one or more of the pelvic organs - bladder, uterus/womb or rectum falling downwards. You may feel it is a bit uncomfortable, feel a heaviness or ...
Body Image and how we see ourselves

Sep 17 2022

Physical changes in the body in pregnancy & post birth

How do I know which exercises I can do after giving birth? Basically - it depends on your body, genetics, how your birth was and what sort of birth you have.  The fact is that we are all different.  We have different levels of strength to begin with, our connective ...

Jul 22 2022

Women’s Health is about ALL women

Ok, so YES, GREAT, the menopause is finally getting the news it absolutely deserves. However, I work in women's health.  I work with women who have had a hysterectomy, have endometriosis, have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), who have a prolapse, have a diastasis.  These are all women's health issues which ...

Jul 22 2022

How to look after your body as a new mum

Typical things new mums have to do: Bend over cots Lift buggies Change nappies on the floor or low surface Push buggies up hills or on grass Feed the baby and hold in a set position for long periods of time These are all movements that new mums have to ...
Diastasis diagram of different versions

Jul 9 2022

Diastasis Recti or ‘split abs’!!

I always try to educate ladies who come to see me, so they know what is going on in their bodies and know WHY they may be getting referred pain or tightness. Diastasis Recti (DR) is just one of those misunderstood bodily functions that women come and see me about.  ...

Apr 8 2022

The whole body impact of scars

Have you had an operation at all?? Even a small or key hole operation??  If so, you will have had some form of scar tissue underneath the scar.  Look at it like the ocean - it may look lovely and smooth and calm on the top but deep down there ...
New Mum's getting back to fitness

Mar 15 2022

Fitness Series 2 – New Mum’s getting back to fitness

New Mum's, those with a weak core, diastasis or pelvic floor issues This is such a vast area to talk about regarding improving or getting back to fitness levels.  I will break it up into the earlier post-natal woman and then those who are going on for a year plus.  ...

Feb 22 2022

Exercise for New Mums

When can I get back to exercise after giving birth? This is a very common question and maybe you're a new mum reading this and biting at the bit to get back. Or maybe you aren't? Maybe you are still in some pain from either having had stitches/episiotomy or had ...
What are PCOS and Endometriosis?

Sep 4 2021

New Focus, New YOU!

September!  I always look at September as a fresh start, a new focus and to look at what I would like to aim to do in the Autumn. How about you?  You've had the wonderful summer holidays, or maybe you haven't and you are about to have your holiday?? Maybe ...
Pictures of different levels of pelvic floor prolapse.

Apr 10 2021

Pelvic health

My passion and aim is to encourage women to ACT NOW and start to look after their pelvic floor!  It doesn't matter whether you have or haven't had a baby, are peri or post menopausal or are in your 70's.  It is never too late to actually look after your ...
Women's Health - the WHOLE picture

Sep 11 2020

Women’s Health – the WHOLE picture

You are a woman - PLEASE read this!! When I qualified as a personal trainer back in 2006 I was just that - a personal trainer.  I had never really thought about training women differently and how we move, how our hormones can affect us. I was never told that ...
The All Important Magnesium

Jul 19 2020

The All Important Magnesium

What is Magnesium & it's importance as a Mineral? Magnesium is a mineral - a mineral is a substance which originates in rocks or metal ores!  Many minerals are essential for our health & we now generally get them from plants, fruits or vegetables.  Magnesium is a Macro-mineral which we ...


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