Hypopressives help tone & support the pelvic organs, provide a specialist way of breathing to help support those with a prolapse
What are Hypopressives & how they can help YOU
Hypopressives are a form of postural poses & breathing techniques that can help support the pelvic floor, a prolapse & support the deep core muscles. You have to learn a number of poses to create a ‘Flow’ using specialised diaphragmatic breathing techniques.
You will be activating your postural muscles, the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor & most importantly they teach you how to avoid Intra-abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor.
Doing hypopressives can help the resting tone & strength of your whole body. They can also help improve your sports stamina and create a sense of calm/relaxation in your body.
If you are tight or can’t relax the pelvic floor, hypopressives can help get more movement into the pelvic floor.
The breathing can also help those with a diastasis and rib flair, posture is an important part of the poses.
What I offer
To learn hypopressives, I personally like to see you face to face. I want to check you are breathing into the diaphragm properly. I can see you on Zoom – however, only if you already have an understanding of the diaphragmatic breathing and Apnoea breath.
1:1 – 6 week/session course – £442
The 1st session is the assessment session so this will be 1 hr 30. I will go through your health screening form and then carry out a few simple assessments. I then teach you the diaphragmatic breathing and depending on how you get on, I will teach you the ‘Apnoea breath’ and the 1 or maybe 2 poses.
The next 5 sessions are learning the ‘beginner or level 1’ poses. Each session can be from 45 – 60 minutes. I follow up each session with an email and videos of the poses you have learnt. You then have a week to practice at home. You can book on here
By the end of the course you should be proficient in following the flows and can then join my online/live weekly flows.
Note – you do need to do a 10 – 15 min flow a minimum of 3 days a week going forwards, if you want to carry on with an improved pelvic floor.
If you just want to find out about hypopressives and only want an assessment before deciding if it is for you, you can book just an assessment. The Hypopressive Assessment only is £110. You can book here
Weekly live online Sessions & Video – £9.99 per week
Once you have learnt how to do the basic level of hypopressives, you can then sign up to 3 weekly live flows/videos. You sign up each week and even if you can’t make the live session time, you will still receive the video. There are 3 sessions a week, so you get 3 different flows for the week. I offer this with 2 weeks on, 1 week off.
You MUST have done the training and be able to do the hypopressive poses & apnoea breath to sign up.
Progression Workshops – £35 for 2 hr
Every few months I offer a 2 hr face to face, small group workshop. We meet in a local hall and I go through flows to check to see how everyone is getting and that they have keep good techniques. I also introduce new poses to them, challenging the body and pelvic floor with harder poses and flows.
Please get in touch if you are interested in the workshops. These are only for those of you who have done Level 1 hypopressives.
What my clients say
“I would say the hypopressive course and follow up classes are really helpful and I would absolutely recommend them. Vicki was wonderful at understanding the impact of my symptoms and is unfailingly being warm and supportive. I had lost confidence in doing exercise classes (due to my prolapse and stress incontinence).
Now I am back to doing cardio and weight bearing activity regularly and I feel so much better for it. They have made quite an improvement in my symptoms. I did initially struggle to make them part of my routine, as there are many different aspects to think about. However I am doing them 3-4 times a week now and notice a big difference in my symptoms and love the online videos. Personally I need these as for me I found it difficult to remember all the different aspects.” Anne
“At the start of the year I was suffering with a posterior prolapse and a hypertonic pelvic floor, the combination of which were causing me to leak when I did any high impact exercise like jumping and running.
You can read more in my blog about hypopressives