26 October 2024

I Don’t have TIME


How many times have you said – “I just don’t have time to exercise“?


I totally get it, many of you have really full on lives – work, family, parents, pets – full on commitments which means you get very little time to yourself and when you do you are so shattered you just want to sit down.

However, what if I told you – moving/mobilising/walking/exercise can all help give you better energy and sleep.

Now – a bit controversial – what if I asked you to write down how much time in your day you scroll through Instagram, Facebook, TicToc – we all get carried away with the videos, dont we!  Ok, some of you may never use social media, but most of you probably do.  It is amazing how much time is taken up just looking.

How many of you travel to work by car/bus/train?? Can you get off the stop earlier – yes you will need to plan a little extra time for this, but can it be done – or can you walk/cycle to work instead?

How many of you sit at your desk at home and realise you haven’t got up for over an hour??  Can you set an alarm in another room for 40 mins, so you have to get up, go to the room and re-set it every 40 mins.  Or set an alarm to make you go downstairs to make a cuppa.

These are little examples of just getting you to move a bit more.  Don’t underestimate how important moving/walking/moving the body any way you can.  The body needs to move, so the more you shake it out, get up and move the more it will appreciate you as you age!!

Fitting in Exercise

If you can get into your head that doing some exercise a few times a week doesn’t need to be an hour long.  10 – 15mins of a focused workout CAN be done and can be so beneficial.

Here are some ideas for a 10 – 15 min workout:

  • 1st PLAN it.  Get a diary, get the calendar and look at the week ahead, see where you have 15 mins.  Do this every Sunday, make it a meeting you CAN NOT miss!  Also plan your sessions in advance.
  • Put your gym kit on in the morning, if doing a morning session.  Or if working from home, put the sports bra on under your top so once a meeting is over & you have a bit of time you just put a T shirt & leggings on.
  • Decide WHAT exercise you want to do.  Do you have time for a quick HIIT workout?  Do you have time for some mobilisers with body weight squats, press ups, lunges, step ups, run/power walk on the spot?
  • Do you have dumbbells at home?  Choose 1 lower body exercise (squats, lunges, deadlift, squat to press, side lunges, curtsey squats, side step ups, split squat, foot on step and touch floor).  Choose 1 upper body exercise – chest press, press ups, rows, press ups with rows, shoulder press, chest flies, reverse flies, triceps dips, triceps press ups.
  • Do 2 – 3 sets, just 2 exercises & alternate between the upper body & lower body.
  • Strength & cardio – 5 mins, 5 exercises, 5 reps.  Choose 5 different exercises – whole body, upper body, lower body, abs & a cardio (burpees, side gallops, run on spot, fast squats, fast step ups, squat jumps, squat thrusts).  Do a whole body quick warm up & a cool down at the end.  You keep repeating the 5 exercises, 5 reps in 5 mins.  That can be a max 10 min session with warm up & cool down
  • Join a class – one you will enjoy& if you pay for a block it will make you go.  Be practical – make sure it is on the way home or is local so you dont spend 1/2 your time getting there.
  • Dance – if you like dancing, put some good tunes on and dance with the kids, on your own for a good 5 mins – move that body, laugh at/with yourself and get the feel good.

So when you find yourself wasting time but also saying ‘I don’t have time’ to exercise just remember – there must be a 10 min slot you can find a few times in a week.  IF you want ideas – you can join my online membership where there are a lot of short videos, or intro to doing weights or exercises correctly.  I do also have a section for newer mums or those getting back to exercise.



Still not sure which fitness class is for you?

Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.


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