02 March 2021

Is your body Fit to Run?


Running is one of those wonderful sports where you can just leave your front door, run and then get home and get on with it.  It offers freedom as you can go out for as long or short a run as you have time for.  You will feel good, get fresh air and be out in nature – who doesn’t love that??

For some – running is just not for them and that is absolutely fine.  I often hear the word … ‘I feel I SHOULD run but I just don’t like it’.  So it is YOUR choice, you don’t have to run, go and get into walking – it can offer the same sort of benefits.

Either way – is your body fit enough to run or even start walking long distances???

Get your body Fit to Run

So we think it is all about our heart health and our fitness.  However, there is actually more to running than just putting one foot in front of the other.  Do you actually think about how you are running?  Do you think about how the legs work or how your feet take all the weight and push you off each step?  Do you think about your posture or pelvic floor when running??

Running is a one leg sport

Have you actually realised that running is predominantly spent on 1 leg and the impact on the joints, the pelvis and more importantly the feet, is a lot!

Our feet have so many receptors and if things start going wrong in our feet they can have an impact elsewhere around our body. We have fascia throughout the body and that includes our feet – have you heard of plantar fasciitis??  It is where someone has pain on the bottom of their feet & heel.  It is inflammation in the thick fascia tissue in the feet and is actually one of the main causes of problems for women runners over the age of 35.

Fit to run programme the Holistic Core Restore® Fit to Run / Walk

Women Runners

For women over the age of 35yrs the most common injury is the Achilles tendon & then plantar fasciitis.  Look at running – it is very one dimensional and yet the body needs to work and move in different directions and planes.  The big mistake of so many runners is that they just run and don’t strengthen the supporting muscles of the calves, hip flexors, ankle muscles and core muscles.

Running IS about so much more than just going out. It is 100% fantastic for mental health and a fantastic sport to do, but if you are a woman, over 35yrs old and beginning to get niggles then it is time to think about your body more and looking after it so you CAN run into your 60s and be strong.

  • 1st start getting fit in your body – mobilise it & strengthen it
  • Look at your balance – you are on 1 leg a lot of time so do 1 leg strength & balance work
  • What is your bra like???  It is so important that you can move in your upper body and that your breasts are  getting the right support.
  • What trainers are you using?? Are they offering any support to your ankles or feet?  There are so many specialist running shops now – go and get your technique checked (when lockdown eases of course!)
  • Most important of all – what is happening to your PELVIC FLOOR???
  • Are you going into your ‘menopausal’ time of your life (from 45ish years)  – are you still running the same as you always have?? (have a look at my Everything Menopause Programme where I talk about this a lot –https://www.vickihill.co.uk/class/everything-menopause-fitness/

Pelvic floor muscles and running

I am a women’s health & fitness trainer – it is my job to educate women and let them know that NO it is NOT right to be running and leaking every run they do.  If you haven’t done anything about it then do!

Either get in touch with me or ask your GP for a referral to your local women’s health physios.  It can take a while to get seen but ask.  Otherwise I have a number of Women’s health Physios I can recommend so just ask and DO SOMETHING NOW – don’t leave it to your menopausal years when things may just get that bit worse.

Don’t be afraid – you may not have to give running up but you can learn how to run and support your pelvic health or maybe get a pessary fitted.  Look after your body and do something positive to help it!

Please do get in touch **@vi*******.uk if you would like more information on the pelvic floor or how to run and stay injury free or get back to running after having an injury – look at the Fit to Run course.  These women have done the course and this is what they say:

I really enjoyed having the time and dedication to go through various parts of my body and release them. I actually hadn’t realised how tense so much of my body was. To counter my sprained ankle I think my other side of my body had got very stiff and tight and some of the exercises particularly in the hip flexors really helped me release.

Vicki’s enthusiasm and motivational tips. It was also an opportunity to use new equipment and try different stretches after having been stuck in an exercise rut for some time. I also liked the way that the course built up from the feet, giving ample time to really focus on different parts of the body.

Still not sure which fitness class is for you?

Are you a woman who has pelvic girdle pain? Do you have pelvic floor issues? Have you had a C-section, episiotomy or tears? Do you have a Diastasis Recti or weak deep abdominals? Are you peri – menopausal? Do you want to get fit in a safe environment? I can help, get in touch to find out more.


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