Isn’t it odd, we are now nearly 1/2 way through the year!! Sorry, maybe you didn’t want to be reminded of that, having spent nearly 3 months of the year house bound. Looking back at the start of the year and all your good intentions for the year 2020 – have you managed to do anything you had hoped to??
I’m in a bit of a philosophical mood writing this today because I feel we are beginning to get back to a little more normality – well normality in that we can leave the house as many times as we like now & meet up with 5 friends face to face. It has however, made me wonder ……
What have you actually done or achieved these last few months?
I know we shouldn’t look back at what has happened but try to live NOW in the present, but I do think WOW how fast these ‘lock down’ days and weeks have gone. A part of me thinks I should have done more, as when will I be in a situation like that again, to clear things out and get jobs done that have been calling at me to do for years!! Did you get lots sorted??
I didn’t!! This is mainly because I have carried on with work the whole time and actually have had to do more because I have had to video more classes and have had lots of people ask me questions or ask for advise.
Sorting yourself out
What I have done though, which I think I have mentioned before, is I have actually decided to sort myself and my hormones out. I have done more meditation and I have at last, actually done a few yoga videos (if you read my January newsletters you’ll know that is what I was going to do this year!!) I haven’t made it a habit yet …. I’m working on it!
I know many of you have teenage kids or new babies and have had to build your new life around all coping in lock-down. I do feel for the teenagers, at an age where they would be ‘hanging out’ with their mates, instead they have had to do so via Zoom. My poor nephew in Zimbabwe has had to stay with just his parents, living miles out of town and with poor WiFi AND he turns 18 next week!
TRY and look at the positives
Try & stop and take a minute to think about the positives you can get out of this time. So many of you will have had more of a family time which you wouldn’t usually have. Many have had partners home with them and actually having dinner with them! Many of you have maybe loved the chance to play family games? Have you started walking or running and getting into some fitness? How about yoga or even some meditation? Have you found you have been able to have a bit more time to yourself?
I do know for a lot of you it has been really hard, faced with having all your kids home 24/7, having to suddenly become a teacher, no nursery or rest-bite from babies and toddlers – that has probably been hard. Also, to watch your teenagers not know what is going on with their exams or exam results. However, do try and look at it that you wouldn’t usually have had so much ‘family time’ so try and look at as a unique time to watch your kids truly grow up.