07 November 2014

Christmas Drinks ….. the healthy way!!


Unanimous answer from Buggyfit mums today when asked if they want me to focus on anything for the newsletter ….Christmas & how to get through it with kids, Xmas drinks and far too many yummy temptations!!  First and foremost try not to give yourself a hard time!  We all go slightly mad as there are SO many delicious foods & drinks around 24/7.  So, if you have lots of ante or post natal group meet ups as well as just lots of parties and get togethers just go with an open mind and be determined to not go too mad. Have a few of the delicious, rich food or snacks and then drink LOTS of water to fill you up a bit!!  Honestly, sounds mad but it will not only fill you up it will keep you hydrated so the headache will not be as bad the next day!! If you know you are going to an Xmas do with lots of yummy food & drink then try and get a really good power walk/run/cycle in that day so you do feel better for having done some exercise.  Try not to let the cold/wet and darker nights stop you from doing a short sharp circuit, add some squats in and a few press ups or tricep dips and that’s a good workout!!  Hangover cures – orange, ginger & garlic juice!! Not the nicest but a really good cure, so too is Berocca!! As far as buying lots of chocolate, mince pies etc for the family, try and buy for when you need it, not well in advance or you may find yourself having to go and buy more because they have suddenly, mysteriously disappeared!!
Essentially, enjoy Christmas and try and moderate so if you have a pig out day then make sure the next day is full of healthy brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, broccoli & some exercise. My classes are carrying on until Friday 19th December and start again Monday 5th January.  So here is to a happy, healthy Christmas!!

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